February 23, 2021 | Invest Indonesia

Job Creation Law Derivative Increases Workers’ Overtime to 4 Hours Daily

Source from: Tempo

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The Indonesian government has readjusted the regulation regarding overtime overseen under one of the Job Creation Law’s derivatives seen in the Government Regulation (PP) No. 35/2021. The law, which has stirred public resistance, has created new derivatives such as temporary workers (PKWT), work time, work relations and break time, and layoffs.

The previous Employment Law regulated that the maximum overtime duration was three hours a day and 14 hours a week at maximum, while the PP 35/2021 stipulates that the maximum overtime duration is four hours a day and 18 hours a week.

The non-working days that are eligible for workers to work overtime are mentioned specifically on weekly weekend days and/or national holidays.

Article 29 states that businesses that employ workers to work overtime must pay the worker’s overtime pay, give workers a chance to get sufficient rest, and provide food and beverages at a minimum of 1,400 kilograms of calories.

The overtime policy in the Job Creation Law derivative obliges companies to pay the workers’ rights on overtime as the regulation states.

Translator: Ricky Mohammad Nugraha
Editor: Markus Wisnu Murti