About Us


Britain in South East Asia or BiSEA is an informal grouping of British Chambers and Business Groups in the South-East Asian region including Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, and, of course, Indonesia.

BiSEA’s aim is to work collaboratively for the benefits of members. This regional Chamber network allows all registered members of any of the Chambers and Business Groups in BiSEA to access all events at member rates.

This means that whenever you travel to any of these countries and wish to take part in the events organized by the local BiSEA Chamber/Business Group you may do so at their preferential rates. The geographic spread of the BiSEA provides a strong business network in the region giving members who are already established or intend to establish themselves in the South-East Asian region a validated third party contact which can provide representation, business services, information and guidance.

Click on the logo of the Chamber you would like to make contact with:

Patron & Sustaining Sponsors