Our COVID-19 Story: West Java – Challenges, Wins, Collaborations, Opportunities with Governor Ridwan Kamil (Governor of West Java)

May, 18th 2020
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Governor Ridwan Kamil
Governor of the Province of West Java

Event Info

On Monday, 18 May 2020, BritCham Indonesia is proud to host a very special webinar in collaboration with 19 of our fellow foreign chambers entitled, “Our COVID-19 Story: West Java (Challenges, Wins, Collaboration, Opportunities)”. This webinar features the esteemed Governor Ridwan Kamil, governor of the Province of West Java. With around 400 enthusiastic attendees, this informative session focused on the COVID-19 situation in West Java and how the West Javanese Government has been acting in response to it.

Governor Ridwan explained in detail the efforts he and his team have made to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in West Java as well as what has been done to tackle problems arising during the pandemic, which was done in line with the guidelines from the central government and the World Health Organization. Aspects covered within this webinar included the values, initiatives and programmes, as well as strategies that have been launched by the West Javanese Government to reduce coronavirus cases and to guarantee the citizens’ welfare.

We would like to thank Governor Ridwan Kamil and his team, all of our 19 partnering foreign chambers, and all the attendees for helping make this webinar a success.

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