Source from: Antara News
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Vice President Ma’ruf Amin said digital technology has helped Indonesia pass through the difficult time due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
During the pandemic, economic, government, educational, and social communication activities continued to run thanks to digital technology, he said in a written statement released on Sunday.
“Innovations in the use of digital technology have actually been ongoing since some time ago and have been accelerated globally due to the pandemic. The pandemic has compelled us to adapt (to the existing condition) and spur literacy and technology use,” he said while addressing the digital business forum of Nahdliyin Business Association (HPN) held virtually in Bali on March 26-28, 2021.
He said the “forced” process of adapting to the current condition and increasing literacy and technology use has eliminated all hindrances related to age, gender, geography, and educational level.
“Now we are part of global digital community,” he said.
The vice president further highlighted the development of sharia economy.
The government is strongly committed to developing sharia economy, focusing on developing halal industry, sharia financial industry, sharia social fund, and developing and expanding sharia business.
All these will drive micro small businesses to become stronger as part of global value chain.
He further encouraged HPN to build inclusive cooperation with various stakeholders, including regional government, industry, technology supplier, small and large businesses to boost the growth of sharia business centers across Indonesia.
Ï call on all sides to develop incubation centers to help would-be businessmen at all levels in many regions,” he said.
Reporter: Fathur Rochman/Suharto
Editor: Sri Haryati